- I am currently a freelancing game designer and developer;
- Undergraduate studying Game Design, Computer Science, and Philosophy(minor) at New York University;
- Leading the largest student game development community in China;
- Columnist;
- Published Work:《发生在2077年的腐败和高科技世界——〈赛博朋克2077〉》 . “Small Arms.” issue 3, 2021.
- Undergraduate studying Game Design, Computer Science, and Philosophy(minor) at New York University;
- Leading the largest student game development community in China;
- Columnist;
- Published Work:《发生在2077年的腐败和高科技世界——〈赛博朋克2077〉》 . “Small Arms.” issue 3, 2021.
Defend the things you hold dear with art ...... Art changes the world.
Life is too short. You have to keep it moving.
These are also me ↓↓↓

Interactive New York City District Map